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Getting Started with Tracker

Organize, Sort, Filter, Update, & Export Personnel Information

Updated over a week ago

Learn more about using the Tracker feature in AOK to organize, sort, filter, and update relevant information about personnel throughout your organization.

Feature - Personnel Information Tracking

Capability - Pull Information from your people from your pocket

Benefit- so you don’t need to have endless spreadsheets that die in the drive.

Common use cases for Tracker:

  • Any information that would normally live in a spreadsheet and die in a drive when someone transfers to their next command.

  • Requests for Information (RFIs) that leaders frequently send out over and over again.

  • Personnel Duty Status Tracking

  • Qualification Tracking

  • Basic personnel information tracking (Addresses, expiration dates, equipment size tracking, etc.)

Permissions required for Tracker:

See RBAC permissions Intercom article.

To access tracker, members must be an Org leader or a Team Leader to see Tracker information on your people.

Org Leaders can see and update all teams and members Responses and Profile Properties.

Team Leaders can see and update all the teams and members Responses and Profile Properties for the specific teams they are leading.

Org Admins, Org Messengers, and Regular members will not have access to tracker information. Please reach out to support with any questions.

Getting started with Tracker:

Login > Select ‘Tracker’ > Default view appears > Select a team > Select a couple properties > Tap/Click Save As > Name the view > Tap Actions > New Attribute > Create a Message > Select a Team > Add a subject (optional) > Add your Question(s) > Add a question or choose from Question bank > Ensure ‘Save to tracker’ is toggled on and tracker column has a name > Add to RFI > Send > Refresh Tracker > Tap/click attribute button > Search & toggle on new attribute > Save the current view for later


Attribute Creation via RFI

Message Creation in Tracker via RFI

Attribute search

New attribute column

Edit a cell

The Parts of Tracker:


  • Search bar

    • Here leaders can search specific people and ranks in the tracker that they have access to.

    • The selected columns will remain for the leader after you find the search contents you’re looking for.

    • Save a new view if this is a common rank search or personnel search for leading your team without assumptions.

    • Tapping or clicking the ‘X’ in the search bar will reset the search to the saved view.

  • Properties

    • Here leaders can add columns associated with the various member’s profile properties. These properties include - Rank, Phone, Email, Branch, Component, Duty Status, Readiness, Pay Grade, Job Code, and Duty Assignment.

    • Toggle properties on to add the column to tracker. Toggle off to remove the column from the current tracker view.

  • Attributes

    • These are Mustr RFIs that are actively saved previously.

    • Toggle Attributes on to add the column to tracker. Toggle off to remove the column from the current tracker view.

    • Quickly search for the RFI attribute(s) in the search bar to see

    • Tapping or clicking on the 3 dots allows leaders to quickly perform actions

      • Request an update via Mustr RFI from the current selected team.

      • Rename the RFI attribute in the list.

      • Delete the RFI attribute from the list.

  • Teams

    • For Org Leaders, this is a selection of every team available in the organization.

    • For team leaders, this is a selection of the teams they are actively leading in the application.

  • Refresh

    • A manual refresh button to ensure your data is updated as soon as leaders need it.

  • Save As

    • Allows leaders to create a new view.

    • Here leaders can name the view, and immediately find it in the Views section of the app.

  • Save View (Current selected View)

    • For the currently selected view, if a leader makes updates they will need to tap or click save view to ensure the updated columns, rows, and team selections are saved for later.

  • Select Views

    • Here leaders can see Tracker Views your organization has created previously.

    • Clicking on the 3 dots allows leaders rename views or delete them.

  • Columns & Rows

    • Member Name - Clicking on a single member’s cell will direct you to their profile.

    • Property Cells - At this time can not be updated directly unless you go directly to the member’s profile.

    • Attribute Cells - Can be edited by leaders directly. Hovering over the cell will show the leader the Current As Of (CAO) date.

    • Any cells that are empty are missing data. Leaders can easily pull data from members with the action button or by requesting an update directly from the attribute.

  • Action Button

    • Currently this is where a leader can create new Attributes by requesting an answer to a new RFI question or generate a .csv report of the current view and answers.

  • Viewing more members

    • Tracker is currently limited to 20 rows per page.

    • At the bottom of tracker tap on more pages to view the next 20 members in the leader’s current view

    • Or use the team or search capabilities to find more specifically the information you’re looking for.

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