Infantry Battalion used Mustr to maintain accountability for 3,300 soldiers during their holiday block leave. Effectively reducing suicide risk and AWOL soldiers.
Setup timeline
This is a breakdown of how Infantry Battalion's leadership collaborated with Adyton employees to begin using Mustr for their HBL.
Six months prior to HBL - Adyton employees set up a pre-meeting to plan and evaluate updates for the official kick-off meeting.
Two months prior to the HBL - An Adyton Execution Team Member onboarded the unit heading into HBL.
During HBL - Infantry Battalion used Mustr to onboard companies, and assign Organization Leaders.
Mustr features & management capabilities for HBL
1. Create teams to reflect your HBL communication structures
HBL planners have the full power to create and view teams in order to manage communication or check-ins during HBL. They can also add, remove or upgrade permissions for service members to contribute differently to these teams.
i.e. a service member could be upgraded from being a Regular Member to Team Leader within a team for them to publish Mustrs on behalf of their superiors.
2. Setup multiple Mustr organizations for complex and sensitive use cases
Organizing service members can be more complex than setting up teams (as explained above), should you require more isolation between groups of service members during your HBL.
There are two main categories for organizing a battalion within Mustr:
1) A team - Teams exist within a "cluster" or organization. Unless a member is an Org Leader, members can only see the content of a team they have been added to.
2) Mustr organization - A Mustr organization is its own cluster of teams. Only people added to this "cluster" or organization as Org Leaders can see the teams and their respective communication.
An organization can house as many teams as you need.
Depending on privacy needs and other characteristics that differentiate service members on HBL, HBL planners can use any combination of Mustr organizations and teams to structure the flow of communication during HBL.
Using multiple Mustr organizations is a good idea for planners who need to isolate communication across groups of service members. Otherwise, creating multiple teams within an organization is the simplest way to organize your battalion within the Mustr app.
Follow these steps to create a new Mustr organization:
Assuming you have created your first Mustr organization (likely with help from the Adyton team).
Navigate to Settings and Sign out of your current Mustr organization
Select Setup new organization
Repeat to create more organizations
Both participation types are equally capable of receiving and responding to communication on Mustr during HBLs.
App user - Depending on a service member's internet connection, access to a smartphone, and communication preference, they can participate in HBL communication using the Mustr Android or iOS app.
SMS user - In cases of poor internet connection or preference for simple communication, service members can opt to receive links via SMS whenever there's an update to view or information to share with their superiors.