How to manage within Mustr
15 articles
Recent Updates (Newsletter)Our Newsletter shares updates to the app and company news!
Sending Mustr Messages in AOKUse this article to learn how you can communicate with members of your organization using Broadcasts, Status Checks and RFIs.
Uploading files or documents to MustrUse this article to learn how to share files or documents into Mustr.
How to Schedule a MustrCreate a Mustr to send at a future date and time
Staying in touch over the HolidaysHow to leverage AOK to provide key information, schedule checkins & Holiday wishes, and access your teams' contact info
How to keep in touch with at-risk soldiersA better way to support service members with their mental health.
Conduct Efficient RecallsCut your phone tree down by 80% and get to those who need help faster.
Case study: How to use Mustr for Holiday Block Leave (HBL)Simplify accountability and communication during holiday block leave.
All Hands Emergency/Recall/Drill Best PracticesEmergency, Weather, Drill or Recalls are easier with AOK. Org Leaders can send an All Hands message, Team Leaders can take it from there.
Team Leaders: Emergency Muster TrainingAs a Team Leader, you can Muster your team